26. Bill Gates

Model: Bombardier BD-700 Global Express
Cost: $40 million*
Net Worth: $118.8 billion*
With a net worth of over $118 billion, Bill Gates could have an entire army of jets. Instead, he opts to use a Bombardier BD-700 at a cost of $40 million. This plane is a little larger than your average private jet, with the ability to seat up to 19 people. Rather than typical airline seats, Gates has heavy recliners and full-size sofas in place so his guests can relax and enjoy the flight.

The interior looks more like Air Force One than your typical celebrity aircraft, but this is Bill Gates we’re talking about. Gates may be one of the richest people in the world, but he’s still actively working in the tech industry. He’s made enough money to retire many times over, but Bill’s work as a visionary is never done. At least with a jet like this, he can make the most out of his flight time.
