25. Justin Bieber

Model: Gulfstream IV
Cost: $60 million*
Net Worth: $285 million*
When Justin Bieber first hit the scene there was a buzz around him that resembled Beatlemania. To this day, his fans are among some of the most possessive in the world, so flying commercial isn’t an option. Justin has flown on many private jets but allegedly owns a Gulfstream IV. He plays hockey on it while his wife Hailey takes a nap in the bedroom, but it’s big enough for both of them and a few friends.

Justin frequently travels the world performing in different countries, so it’s natural he would want to be as comfortable as possible. While the hype around Justin has quietened down a little bit since he first debuted into the business some years ago, he still draws a large crowd. It would be complete pandemonium at an airport if fans caught wind he was there.
