14. John Travolta

Model: Boeing 707-138
Cost: $36 million*
Net Worth: $250 million*
John Travolta’s career may have cooled down over the past few years, but he’s still a prized Hollywood actor thanks to hits like Grease and Saturday Night Fever. But, acting isn’t Travolta’s only passion. John is a licensed pilot, so while he travels on his $36-million Boeing 707-138, he also loves to fly it himself.

John’s love of flying goes way back to when he was a teenager when he took his first lesson at the age of 15. The star even has a runway right next to his home in a private aviation community in Florida. When it comes to flying, John isn’t just a hobbyist, he’s a bonafide expert with tons of air miles under his belt. If the bottom falls out of his acting career he could always take to the skies to earn some extra cash – not that he needs it!
