12. Cristiano Ronaldo

Model: Gulfstream 650
Cost: $60 million*
Net Worth: $375 million
Cristiano Ronaldo is hailed as one of the greatest soccer players of all time, but he’s just as famous for his life off the pitch. Ronaldo loves expensive cars, sprawling mansions, and designer clothing. He also loves private jets. Ronaldo’s plane of choice is the ever-popular General Dynamics Gulfstream 650. The multi-millionaire shelled out around $60 million to get his very own set of wings.

Not only is there enough space for his family with a capacity of 18 passengers, but it’s even got a custom black and blue paint job. Cristiano isn’t known for doing anything by halves, so it’s hardly a shocker that he would want to make his jet as recognizable as he is. When this plane flies into an airport, everyone is going to sit up and take notice – and hope for a big tip!
