Social Butterfly

Anna made connections with everyone she met, befriending not only Neff, but a whole host of celebrities, athletes, and CEOs. Neff later talked about one evening when they dined with Macaulay Culkin, “I had so many questions. And he was right there. But they were talking about, like, friend stuff. So I never got the chance to be like, ‘So, you’re the godfather to Michael Jackson’s kids?’”

It seemed that Anna’s biggest skill was being a people person. She was very impressive in social situations, for example, someone who met Anna during Paris Fashion Week remembers how she just introduced herself and immediately chatted to his friends as of they were hers. Anna seemed to be everywhere. Someone else who knew her said: “There are so many trust-fund kids running around… everyone is your best friend, and you don’t know a thing about anyone.”
