During the peak of his career playing for the Chicago Bulls back in 1996-1997, Dennis Rodman earned a total salary of $9 million. His income later ballooned to $27 thanks to his multiple endorsements, book sales, and paid appearances. He also produced his own MTV show in 1996 and appeared in the film Double Team alongside Jean-Claude Van Damme. However, the NBA star also lived an equally large lifestyle. In 2012 Rodman was court-ordered to pay $800,000 in child support, but his lawyer claimed that Rodman no longer has the means to pay his dues.

Along with the names Michael Jordan, Shaq, Lebron, and more, Dennis Rodman is also an unforgettable name that will live on in basketball history. Although Dennis started off having a tough life and hit some rough patches along the way, he still managed to maintain his fame and success. To this day, he remains a wealthy man with a $500,000 net worth, thanks to his investment in basketball.
