You may know Gabourey Sidibe as one of the casts of the award-winning movie, Precious, back in 2009. At the time, she was about 300 pounds. To lose weight effectively and immediately, she decided to undergo a weight loss surgery called laparoscopic bariatric surgery, where half of her stomach is cut and removed in the hopes of decreasing its capacity to hold food. She lost a whopping ~220lbs or, at least, half of how heavy she used to weigh.

This procedure was also upon the doctor’s advice. She badly needed to go under the knife to control her weight. However, Sidibe might have opted for money loans for this expensive treatment, but it was all worth it. Aside from getting a slimmer physique, she also started to develop a healthier body. Isn’t she looking in good body shape and much slimmer compared to her old photos after losing tons of weight? Definitely, YES!
