The Australian twin sister: Jessica and Lisa Origliasso, famously known as The Veronicas, have been known for having a thin frame since time immemorial. However, when they turned to be too small, a lot of people think they did not look healthy. They had, reportedly, experienced online criticisms due to their slimmer body. If they wanted to, they could use their lawyers to get back to those people at the time. However, they did not do so. Instead, they proved they were healthy by revealing the food pyramid they were following.

Jess follows a strict diet, while Lisa, on the other hand, eats precisely vegan food. Later on, these twins decided to eat only good fats, olive oil, avocado, and other nutritious meals. They also developed healthy eating habits and ate a lot of organic foods together. Now that they have become too thin, the people keep on accusing them of allegedly having an eating disorder and for overeating vegetables.
