Robert Downey Jr. is also one of the living legends in Hollywood. He may have gone through downtimes in his past, but he had successfully pulled himself up and became the hero that everybody loves, Iron Man. Now that he is one of the highest-paid actors, he can surely afford all the luxurious things with his net worth of $300 million. He owns an elegant and iconic home in East Hamptons, sitting on a four-acre land. It has seven bedrooms and four bathrooms. RDJ must have a financial advisor to help with his wealth and financial planning, as he is quite busy with his work.

His future as “Tony Stark” and “Iron Man” draws a lot of question marks as his character died in the last Avengers movie. RDJ will surely be fine with a reduced role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as he also has several other film projects to work on over the next few years.
