Jeremy Piven, famously known as Ari Gold in the comedy series Entourage, sure knows where to put his hard-earned money. His real estate investment in Hollywood Hills costs around $6.8 million. He added some great architectural features into his home, giving it a great look. Aside from the city’s excellent panoramic view, it also has an infinity pool and an outdoor living space complete with a spa and a fire pit. Given all the amenities that his house has, it is safe to say that he has the perfect security for it. Piven definitely lives in style, and he must be good with managing his finances to make all these come true.

Piven has extensive film and TV experience. With this fact, he quickly earned over $20 million. He won’t even have any trouble maintaining his beautiful home. Expect Piven to add more to his already substantial net worth as he has a long list of film projects for the next few years.
