Melissa Gilbert is an American actress who rose to fame back in the 1960s. She started as a child actress, doing different commercials and guest-starring roles. To some degree, people began to notice her on the famed NBC series Little House on the Prairie, while playing the role of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Since then, she began starring in heavier movies, like The Diary of Anne Frank and The Miracle Worker.

She also lent her voice for the animated version of Batman: The Animated Series. In 2012, she joined season 14 of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars. Gilbert used to be the President of the Screen Actors Guild from 2001 to 2005. In November 2020, she underwent successful neck surgery, making her cancel her Thanksgiving plans. The actress initially had dreams of running for congress, but after being advised by her doctors to avoid stress or anything that might cause it, Melissa had no choice but to give up her political hopes. Her Hollywood career, on the other hand, is thriving.
