Jack Nicholson can be associated with greatness and sheer entertainment because it’s what he gives his fans. His career’s been quite legendary. With over sixty years of experience in Hollywood, this actor has seen it all, and this knowledge allowed him to venture behind the scenes as a filmmaker. He has portrayed different kinds of roles throughout his career, from romantic and comedy leads to anti-heroes and villains. Because of this wide range of characters, he has received numerous awards and nominations from the Golden Globes, Academy Awards, BAFTAs, Grammys, and even the Screen Actors Guild.

We haven’t seen Nicholson in mainstream movies in the last couple of years, and some reports suggest that the actor was suffering from memory loss. However, he’s since denied it and explained that he was less motivated than before. Even with that, we still need to give the man all the credits that he deserves. The fans are still waiting for Jack Nicholson’s extraordinary acting skills to make a return on their screens.
